As my English is perfect now, I can start learning how to speak with a philly accent. Today i learnt how to say "l'eau". If you say "water", with a french accent, You won't be understund. In pennsylvania, you have to say Woooooter. It sounds like "wood" but with "ter" at the end. Voila Quoi. ....
Today, I was also in trouble with "peeper" pronuncation. When I say Pèèèiper, americans understand Paper!
So when I say :
"I like eating PAPERS, particularly in an omelette"
people are staring at you with a peculiar look...
To be understund, i have to say "péper" as quick as possibly.
Then i learnt that in France we say 'Red Hot' ( and we don't pronunce the H) whereas in America they say "Chili Peppers"
I have to thank Jenna for all these details. She is really educationalist, she should become a teacher....:)
Anyway, my today was almost as hard as the last one, and hotter! 33 degre celcius ( in the sade) and this is not the end.
So, this was the perfect day to stay at home and read a nice book on the balcony ..
But everyone knows that i am a "Boulet", so instead of taking wisely a day-off, I decided that it was the perfect to day to make a "un truc très con": I ran under the sun between 11am and 1pm with CSurfers and had fun despite the pain.
( Me, above all...)
We needed 2 hours and an half to cover a 8 miles loop. The main part was under the sun. Added to my tiredness, it was a long suffering: 5 breaks.
Once, I had even decided to give up, but i reclained!
And finally, 2 miles before the end, what a break!!
Jenna, overJoyed :)
this providencial drining fontaine relieved me from pain, dryness, thirst, tiredness,...
After that we had a brunch in a nice place and finally i had to leave because the girls had a really vitale thing to do...:)))
At the end of the afternoon, i went to Henry's BBQ ( the guy, i met yesterday).I ate really Tasty CheeseBurgers and i learnt how to make a drive with a Frisbee.
Normally i see them on wednesday to run even if rain is scheduled. Jenna maybe with us too.
"To be understund", "my today", t'es sûr d'avoir eu ton niveau 2,5 ?
RépondreSupprimerDernier petit bonjour de BCN ou la grippe porcine vient d'arriver... Alors on part ¡ take care parce qu,elle a aussi franchi le rio grande ¡¡¡ cool le sport a Phily bien entoure (pas d´accent en spanish sur les e sorry ¡¡¡) Bon maman arrive, priorite comme toi ¡¡¡ EAT ¡¡¡ BREAKFAST ¡¡¡ Besos hasta la vista ¡
Mum and Dad are now in France (76) !!! after 6 days so exciting in Barcelona... We have lost 15°C in 1h30 last day Brrr !!! And the sun has changed in rain...
RépondreSupprimerWet kisses now !!!
P.S. Tomorrow we may have barbecue news ? Wait and see !!!
And what news from the F.B.I. ???
Coa Coa Al.
Ah Ah ! Julien is running, like always, rounded by beautiful women, like always !! Enjoy yourself !